First Project: Terminal

Eric Johnson
2 min readFeb 19, 2022

As a part of Codecademy’s CS101 course I have made a version of the popular game Wordle that can run in your computers terminal. I approached this project by starting with how the game will output to the terminal. Given I only have text available to me, I decided to represent guesses with a combination of brackets, X’s and O’s.

Welcome to my version of Wordle
I used a combination of X’s, O’s, and brackets to output users guesses in a way that allowed them to see what letters worked, and what didn’t.

I then implemented the basic functionality of the game. It can take guesses, check those guesses against todays word, and output that information in a way that allows the user to gain knowledge before making a second guess.

I choose not to implement two parts of the game, fist was the large list of words, and second was the mechanism that picks the daily word. I left these both out for a similar reason, I did not want to spend the time to implement a large list of words, and it was beyond the point of this exercise. (Though, I may go back and implement the daily word picker because it seems like a fun challenge) — Update Feb 19, 2022, I went back and added this functionality. The only thing missing from the game now is a long, randomized list of 5 letter words.

I wrote the game in python and the repository can be found on GitHub.

Side Note: This project, and my desire to learn to write code is not a new pursuit for me. Coming out of high school in 2010, I pursued a bachelors in CompsSci. I never finished my degree though, and failed the one coding class I took. I would like to blame the teacher, but in reality there is no one to blame but myself. I was not dedicated, and did not take it seriously.

A couple years later, in 2016, I took another stab at it, and was working on learning with my cousin Justin. This was a different time in life for me. I had moved out, was working full time, and I did not give it the time and attention I should have.

Now, here I am in 2022, making real progress in learning to code. I am doing this for me, and for my kids. This time, I will succede.

